Monday, November 2, 2009

Gardening Basics

Enriching the Soil
In nature, dead or rotting vegetation, animal manure and decaying animal remains provide adequate nutrition for the soil. As man removes the crops or gardens he grows, he must replenish the soil with organic material to maintain a healthy and productive soil. It's a simple concept. You must replace what you take out.

Despite the activity of earthworms, burrowing animals and penetrating plant roots, untended soil is still relatively hard and compacted. We can improve the texture by digging, or turning over the soil, to allow oxygen and water into the soil.

In nature, relatively few seeds germinate because of competition from other plants and poor soil conditions. In the garden, most seeds will germinate as they are given optimum conditions and spacing, along with organic matter and moisture.

Plants are dependent on water for their survival. Whereas adequate rainfall cannot be guaranteed in nature, in the garden, additional water can be given to plants at optimum amounts for maximum success.

Pest Control
Nature maintains its delicate balance by ensuring that pests and predators control each others numbers. Man can encourage and assist this process while also protecting his plants by using artificial means. Releasing ladybugs and praying mantises can control a wide variety of insects. Introducing beneficial nematodes in the soil can be of great help in controlling soil pests.

Left to its own devices, nature would not produce a very abundant harvest, either in terms of quantity or in the size of individual fruits. The harvest from cultivated ground that has been enriched and cared for will always outweigh what Mother Nature can produce.

Dr. Earth Website

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