Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Soils

Natural & Organic Premium Garden Soil All-purpose soil amendment or direct planting medium blended of all-natural composted ingredients including peat moss, earthworm castings, chicken manure, bat guano & kelp meal.

Excellent for direct planting in garden soil, raised beds or for mulching.

A favorite for bare-root planting.
Available Sizes: 2.0 Cubic Feet
Natural & Organic Premium Soil Amendment Organic, long-lasting ingredients including chicken manure, bat guano & kelp meal make an excellent fortified natural soil amendment for all vegetable & flower gardens.

Helps break up clay soils & improves soil drainage.

Formulated to provide abundant plant nutrients, improve physical soil structure & help balance pH when mixed with existing garden soil.
Available Sizes: 2.0 Cubic Feet
Natural & Organic Soil Amendment Organic, long-lasting ingredients including chicken manure, bat guano & kelp meal make an excellent fortified natural soil amendment.

Helps break up clay soils, improves drainage, promotes healthy root growth & adds valuable micro-nutrients to the soil.

Great for bare root planting, mulching & seed top-dressing for new or existing lawns.
Available Sizes: 3.0 Cubic Feet

Natural & Organic For All Indoor & Outdoor Potting Organic, long-lasting ingredients including chicken manure, peat moss, worm castings & kelp meal.

Perfectly balanced with essential plant nutrients & special water-saving formula features for excellent growth.

Ideal for indoor & outdoor potting, container planting, raised bed applications & an excellent addition to existing garden soil.
Available Sizes: 2.0 Cubic Feet

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall & Winter Lawn Food

Fall is the season to change your fertilizing habits.  Use Master Nursery’s Fall & Winter Feed for lawns.  This fertilizer is formulated to produce a rich green lawn, encourage root growth and improve the turf’s resistance to diseases. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

November Master Gardner Classes

November 6th Bonsai Classs

9:00 am to Noon
Location: Veterans Memorial Bld.

November13th African Violets Class
9:00 am to Noon

Location: Bethell-Delfino Agriculture Building

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Plants that Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies

Plants that Attract Hummingbirds
Annuals, Perennials & Vines

Agapanthus Lily of the Valley
Aquilegia Columbine
Campsis Trumpet Vine
Cosmos Cosmos
Daisies Daisies
Delphinium Delphinium
Dianthus Pinks
Digitalis Foxglove
Heuchera Coral Bells
Lantana Lantana
Lithodora Lithodora
Lonicera Honeysuckle
Mimulus Monkey Flower
Monarda Bee Balm
Nicotiana Ornamental Tobacco
Penstemon Summer Snapdragon
Salvia Sage
Helianthus Sunflower

Shrubs & Trees

Arctostaphlyos Manzanita
Budddeia Butterlfy Bush
Ceonothus Wild Lilac
Cercis Redbud
Chaenomeles Flowering Quince
Cotoneaster Cotoneaster
Escallonia Escallonia
Fuschsia Fuschsia
Grevillea Grevillea
Hibiscus Hibiscus
Lavandula Lavender
Lavatera Mallow
Syringa Lilac

Plants that Attract Butterflies
Annuals & Perennials

Alcea Hollyhock
Aquilegia Columbine
Aster Aster
Daisies Daisies
Dianthus Dianthus
Digitalis Foxglove
Penstemon Penstemon

Shrubs & Vines

Arctostaphlyos Manzanita
Budddeia Butterlfy Bush
Ceonothus Wild Lilac
Lavandula Lavender
Lonciera Honeysuckle
Spiraea Bridal Wreath
Syringa Lilac
Wisteria Wisteria

Food plants for Larvae

Artichoke Artichoke
Dicentra Bleeding Heart
Geum Geum
Nasturtium Nasturtium

Nectar plants for adults

Achillea Yarrow
Agapanthus Lily of the Valley
Chrysanthemum Maximum Shasta Daisy
Coreopsis Coreopsis
Cosmos Cosmos
Echinacea Purpurea Purple Coneflower
Erysimum Wallflower
Iberis Sempervirens Candytuft
Lathyrus Odorata Sweet Pea
Liatris Spicata Gay Feather
Lobelia Lobelia
Lobularia Maritima Sweet Alyssum
Monarda Bee Balm
Phlox Phlox
Ranunculus Ranunculus
Rubeckia Hirta Gloriosa Daisy
Salvia Sage
Sedum Stonecrop
Tegetes Marigolds

Map to Garden Center

Deer Resistant Plant List


Abies species Fir
Acer Maples
Albizia Julibrissin Silk Tree
Arbutus unedo Strawberry bush
Cedrus species Cedar
Cercis Redbud
Cotinus coggygria Smoke Tree
Cupressus species Cypress
Fraxinus species Ash
Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree
Gleditsia Locust
Ilex species Holly
Juniperus species Juniper
Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle
Liquidamber styaciflua Sweet Gum
Magnolia species Magnolia
Picea species Spruce
Pinus species Pine
Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache
Podocapus species Yew
Pseudotsuga menziesii. Douglas Fir
Quince. Quince
Sequoia sempervirens. Coast Redwood
Sequoiadendron giganteum. Giant Sequoia
Thuja species. Arborvitae


Arctostaphylos species. Manzanita
Artemisia species. Artemisia
Berberis species. Barberry
Buxus species. Boxwood
Ceanothus. Wild Lilac
Centranthus Jupiter’s Beard
Chaenomeles species. Flowering Quince
Cistus species. Rockrose
Cotoneaster species. Cotoneaster
Daphne species. Daphne
Erica. Heath
Euphorbia species. Spurge
Fatsia Japonica. Japanese Aralia
Ferns. All Types
Forsythia species. Forsythia
Genista species. Broom
Geranium. Cranesbill Scented Varieties
Grevillea species. Grevillea
Hypericum calycinum. St. John’s Wort
Ilex species. Holly
Lagerstroemia indica. Crape Myrtle
Lavandula species. Lavender
Hamamelis. Chinese Witch Hazel
Lupinus arboreus. Lupine
Mahonia species. Oregon Grape
Nandina domestica. Heavenly Bamboo
Philadelphus coronarius. Mock Orange
Pieris species. Pieris
Potentilla fruticosa. Bush Cinquefoil
Rhododendrons. Not azaleas
Rhus species. Sumac
Rosmarinus officinalis. Rosemary
Syringa species. Common Lilac


Achillea species. Yarrow
Alcea rosea. Hollyhock
Aquilegia. Columbine
Aster species. Perennial Aster
Astilbe. Meadow Sweet
Bellis perennis. English Daisy
Bergenia. Saxifraga
Centaurea cineraria. Dusty Miller
Chrysanthemum frutescens. Marguerite
Coreopsis species.
Dicentra species. Bleeding Heart
Digitalis species. Fox Glove
Diplacus hybrids (Mimulus). Monkey Flower
Erysimum mauve. Wallflower
Euryops species.
Geranium incanum. Cranesbill
Gypsophila paniculata. Baby’s Breath
Hemercallis. Daylily
Herbs. Many Varieties

Heuchera saquinea. Coral Bells
Iris species.
Lavandula species. Lavender
Mimulus species. Monkey Flower
Monarda species. Bee Balm
Myosotis sylvatica. Forget-me-not
Nepeta faassenii. Catmint
Oenothera species. Evening Primrose
Papaver orientale. Oriental Poppy
Penstemon. Beard Tongue
Phlox subulata. Phlox
Rudbeckia hirta. Gloriosa Daisy
Salvia species. Sage
Scabiosa columbaria. Pincushion
Stachys byzantina. Lamb’s Ear
Tradescantia species. Spider Wort
Viola odorata. Violets


Campis species. Trumphet Creeper
Clematis armandii. Evergreen Clematis
Jasminum species. Jasmine
Wisteria species. Wisteria

Ground Covers

Ajuga reptans. Carpet Bugle
Hedra helix. English Ivy
Hypericum calycinum. St. John’s Wort

The plants listed here are just known as deer resistant from past experience. There is no guarantee that these plants will be deer resistant in all cases. These plants are deer resistant, and not deer proof.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spring Blooms

 Are you not getting the results from your fertilizers you want?  The mineral Phosphate the main contributor to blooms is naturally deficient our foothill soil.  This mineral has difficulty penetrating soil and getting to the roots where it is needed.  Scratching the fertilizer into the soil and getting it down around the root zone of the plants will greatly increase the blooms next spring.  Using a fertilizer with a low or no nitrogen and a higher phosphorous in the fall will help produce the flowers in the spring.  We recommend using Super Phosphate or Ultra Bloom.  These fertilizers are good for all plants not just flowers.  Spring flowers produce the fruit we enjoy in the summer and fall.